Camino de Santiago 2023 Bicycle Rental
From October 24 to December 31, 2022, adding the code BICIGRINO2023 you will get a 10% discount on your reservation for the 2023 season.
Lisboa, Oporto, St.Jean pied de Port, Roncesvalles, Pamplona, Logroño, Burgos, León, Ponferrada, Irún, Bilbao, Santander, Oviedo, Sevilla, Mérida, Salamanca…

In collaboration with the renowned bicycle manufacturer CANNONDALE and through Bicigrino’s online shop we offer totally equipped bicycles, prepared for the Camino de Santiago or any other cycle touring route.

Bicigrino website and all the services derived from it have been designed from my personal experience of having completed Camino de Santiago on 8 occasions. Everything learned during those trips is now considered for the assembly and preparation of the bicycles available for rent.
Bicigrino’s bicycle rental service is aimed to ease the Camino de Santiago to those wanting to travel by bicycle and not wanting or being able to use their own bicycle, decide to opt for renting as a better option.
When renting a bicycle from this website you are not just renting a bicycle for doing the Camino de Santiago. Our bicycles are modified and adapted to the peculiar needs of cycle touring and specially the Camino. Among other details, our bicycles are equipped with semiautomatic pedals so as to adapt to the needs of every type of traveller (those who use cleats and those who do not), all of them include extended handlebars to ensure a correct and ergonomic position of the hands during the long pedaling days, a gel saddle is included for avoiding chafing, etc. These and other features have been thought thoroughly to satisfy all the expectations of those who, with great enthusiasm, leap on to the journey of Camino de Santiago.
Next, a step-by-step video tutorial on how to reserve a Mountain Bike or an Electric Bicycle from our official website
The rental service is built around a whole network of accommodations and services to add extra comfort, supporting on the hotel network BICIGREEN and the hostel network Albergues BICIGRINOS. Besides that, there is a workshop network all along the route in order to cover you at all times. You will only have to worry of going to the pick up point previously set, do the Camino and then return the bicycle to the accorded delivery point.

Rental price includes transportation to any location you propose as starting point for any route (French Way, Vía de la Plata, Northern Way, Camino Primitivo, etc.) and the return of the bicycle where you decide to end your route, within Spain. You can also rent a bicycle for any long distance cycle touring route of your choice.
For those who doubt whether or not to carry their own bicycle to the Camino and have to acquire the necessary equipment such as rack, saddlebags, and moreover for those who have double suspension bicycles which require more complex and more expensive accesories. For these type of users, the cost of acquiring equipment and transporting the bicycle alone will result way higher than simply renting one of our bicycles. For approximately 290 € you can do the Camino de Santiago with a fully equipped bicycle and with transport costs included.

The bicycles we rent include, among other things, these accessories specially thought to provide tranquility and comfort during the route:
• Preinstalled rack
• Handlebar extensions to provide extra comfort.
• Tires specially chosen for optimal use on the Camino.
• Speedometer
• ORTLIEB BACK ROLLER CITY saddlebags, recommended by Bicigrino, waterproof, with click fastener system for ease of use.
• Lock to keep the bicycle safe.
• Practical bag in the upper bar, ideal for having your camera or mobile phone on hand (for example).
• Toolkit including inner tubes, patches, pump and multitool (with chain tool) to solve any eventuality during the route.
• Kit of grease and oil to lubricate the bicycle.
• Gel cover for the saddle to avoid chafing.
• “Bicigrino” bottle that you can keep as a souvenir when you finish the Camino
• Valve adaptor to inflate the tires on gas stations for example…

Yes, we have the great pleasure to inform you that in Bicigrino we have found the ideal bicycle for cycle touring on any terrain and situation. We have tested the bicycles personally completing the Camino de Santiago (French Way) starting at Roncesvalles and we have been able to do stages up to 90 km with the battery runtime and thoroughly enjoying the route.
Our electric bicycles are made by the renowned manufacturer FOCUS (winners of several European contests for the best bicycle) and are equipped with BOSCH engines.
These bicycles are equipped exactly as our regular MTB. If you hire one of our bicycles, you will have access to a bike equipped with rack, waterproof saddlebags, toolkit, a guide on Camino de Santiago, etc. And of course all the assistance and logistics services provided by Bicigrino on the route.

The battery of these bicycles is detachable and can be charged at regular plugs. One battery charging provides up to 90 kms of assisted pedalling.
– We think that those renting this type of bicycles should do so with the intention of sightseeing and enjoying the ride without extra effort.
– Remember that with this type of vehicles, the pilgrim’s office will not grant the Compostela, the diploma certifying the completion of Camino de Santiago.
– Our offer is intended to serve those who want to travel through the Camino de Santiago or any other route with a tourism approach.
You will be able to mantain an average speed of 20 km/h without issues. This bicycle will allow you to traverse any stage of Camino de Santiago autonomously and enjoying every moment on the tour.
In Bicigrino we are official distributors of “FOCUS, HAIBIKE, CANNONDALE“.
We work with the latest technology and in 2021 we are entrusted to the new bicycle by MOUSTACHE, SAMEDI OFF4
You can find more information and book one of our e-bikes at the following link:
The rental service is managed personally and directly, even when booking through the ONLINE SHOP it is recommended to contact through e-mail to before booking or if you consider it opportune you can call me to +34 627 92 82 13 (spanish language only). The rental process requires a direct and personalized service and as explained before, our service does not consist on just delivering you a bicycle, we will provide you all the support and information needed for you to do the route.
Here you can read the wonderful testimony (in spanish) of a customer who hired one of our bicycles (Thank you Luis Fidanza, we will take care of Genoveva).

Tal vez fue amor a primera vista. Cuando la conocí aquella tarde de fines de mayo, cerca de la frontera con Francia me pareció hermosa.
Era muy fácil darse cuenta que para ella también sería la primera vez. Sin dudas era exactamente lo que yo necesitaba para poder desandar los más de ochocientos kilómetros hasta Santiago de Compostela.
Con Genoveva, así se llama, salimos muy temprano un domingo neblinoso, bajo una fría y persistente llovizna. Digamos que empezamos mal, pero muy ilusionados por lo que vendría. De a poquito me fui dando cuenta primero, de mi torpeza en el trato y luego de cómo ella me iba haciendo entender que y como quería que yo hiciera las cosas, para digamos… llevarnos mejor.

Nos divertimos muchísimo a lo largo de los días y kilómetros por paisajes indescriptibles, entre olivares y viñedos, infinitos campos de trigo y amapolas por caminos arbolados que se perdían siempre tras montes y montañas ya que allí no existe el horizonte. Atravesamos aldeas y ciudades, caseríos y corrales que olían a estiércol. Zarzales, flores e iguanas nos acompañaban por todos los suelos imaginables. Unas veces a la velocidad de los gorriones, otras a la de las mariposas y en algunas subidas casi como los caracoles. Genoveva y yo seguimos cada una de las infinitas flechas y señales, tantas como estrellas. Continuamente hacia el oeste, por la mañana su sombra por delante, a la tarde mi sombra por detrás. Siempre juntos también la pasamos mal, pero duró poco.
Aprendimos de nuestros gestos y silencios, como cuando respetuosa se quedó a la entrada del cementerio, donde llegué para cerrar un círculo de más de ciento veinte años. A veces cuando bajábamos interminables cuestas me daba a entender que podía más, que era capaz de bajar más rápido y no siempre, casi nunca le hice caso. Pensaba que cuidándome a mi, también la cuidaría a ella. Al cabo de algunos días ya se podía decir que éramos el uno para el otro. Es más, yo no comprendía el camino sin ella y hasta pensé en traerla conmigo al final, cuando volviera a Argentina.
Al llegar a la plaza del Obradoiro nos recibieron sones de gaitas y redoblantes. Frente a la Catedral de Santiago de Compostela la alcé en mis brazos, era todo lo que podía hacer con las pocas fuerzas que me quedaban. Pero igual seguimos, si había más camino juntos iríamos hasta el final, allí donde los romanos decían se terminaba la tierra. El camino termina en Finisterre, frente al mar, simplemente porque allí no hay nada más que una lengua rocosa que se adentra en el océano Atlántico y solo deja senda para desandar. De lejos fue testigo del rito, la purificación de quemar la ropa del camino de las estrellas. Otra vez pensé en el final, qué hacer con Genoveva? Dejarla o traerla conmigo? Comprendí que yo había terminado mi camino, pero ella seguiría allí por mucho tiempo, con otras personas que mejor o peor que yo serian su compañía. De alguna manera ella estaba hecha para esto y su vida sería siempre de senderos, raíces, barro, piedras, banquinas, polvo y asfalto. Le quité todo el peso que tenía, con mis manos la lavé despacio para que luciera hermosa como cuando la conocí. La acaricié, la besé, la dejé sola y sin mirar atrás me fui.
Nunca, nunca te olvidaré Genoveva, Spezialized Crave Comp. 29″ MTB.
Hasta siempre. Buen Camino!